Jeremy C. Justus, PhD
I'm an Associate Professor in the Humanities Division at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (UPJ) where I teach courses in American Literature, Poetry, Multimedia and Digital Culture, and Composition. Course syllabi HERE.
My scholarship focuses on Surveillance Studies, Narrative, Twentieth and Twenty-First Century American Literature and Culture, and Digital Humanities. One recent publication examines years of unpublished drafts of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five to make the case that both Billy Pilgrim and Edgar Derby are manifestations of Vonnegut's guilt attached to a specific, fellow prisoner-of-war. To learn more about my scholarship, see my CV.
At UPJ, I coordinate the Multimedia and Digital Culture program, which launched in January 2016. I oversee a grant-funded initiative to digitize the Johnstown Flood Museum's archival materials. And I serve on the Pitt Provost's Committee to Assess Technological Accessibility.
When I can, I play drums for Pittsburgh-based, Psychedelic Post-Punk band Tecumseh EQs.
I've also officiated a few dear friends' weddings. It's amazing the things the internet can bestow upon you.